The new wave of innovation in finance will focus on digital assets and electronic securities. In the near future, all kinds of assets will be issued natively on blockchains or represented in a tokenized format. BLOCKSIZE enables new market entrances and traditional players to overcome entry-barriers to these new business opportunities. Simply put: Passion to enable.

BLOCKSIZE enables financial institutions by providing regulatory compliant crypto price feeds to embrace the transformation of digital capital markets. Additionally, BLOCKSIZE also poweres the DeFi ecosystem with highly trusted market data price feeds.

With outstanding know-how in blockchain technology, BLOCKSIZE enables its clients to transform their businesses. The advisory solutions have a track record in enabling clients to solve complex technical challenges and bridge the gap to legacy infrastructure. Leveraging emerging regulatory opportunities in digital assets and electronic securities.

BLOCKSIZE is headquartered in Germany. Transferring German excellence in engineering, compliance, and stability to users worldwide – by ensuring the solutions work in the markets relevant to the customers.


BLOCKSIZE is offering bank-grad crypto price feeds to banks, asset managers, and investment funds. By providing MiCAR-ready price feeds on digital assets, professional customers can make sure that the price feeds meet regulatory and business demands.

Crypto Real-Time Prices

BLOCKSIZE provides trusted digital asset prices in near real-time in their product LIQUIMETRIC VWAPS. These spot prices are based on volume-weighted average prices of dozens of trusted exchanges and help financial players as well as leading oracle networks to use high-quality price feeds. More details: LIQUIMETRIC VWAPS

Crypto Closing Prices

BLOCKSIZE provides highly reliable crypto price data using its product LIQUIMETRIC CLOSING PRICES to financial institutions, for example to perform a net asset valuation (NAV). More details: LIQUIMETRIC CLOSING PRICES

Crypto Bid-Ask Quotes

BLOCKSIZE does not only offer trade data, but also order book data in the form of bid-asks. Customers needing a German data provider for bid-ask crypto prices select the LIQUIMETRIC BID-ASK product. More details: LIQUIMETRIC BID-ASK

BLOCKSIZE crypto trading pairs
BLOCKSIZE is offering crypto prices to banks and asset managers in Europe

Free trial version! If you are interested in trying out the BLOCKSIZE price feeds you can do so by using the 2 weeks complementary test version. Create an account and you’re ready to start:

Official Finance Yard partners:

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
WM InnoLab by WM Datenservice
CoreLedger blockchain technology - Core Ledger
Finance Yard