
Customer Services

Using the Finance Yard website is free of charge (see Terms of Use). Business users and companies can support Finance Yard by using paid services (as shown below). When using Customer Services, you are bound to the Terms of Customer Services.

To order a service, please fill out the PDF order form or buy the given service online.

Host an event

You can host a single event with Finance Yard and we’ll invite people from financial services/fintech companies to attend it.

Webinar Sponsor: Hold an online video event for people from the financial community.

Panel Sponsor: Hold an on-site panel in a supported financial hub of your choice.

Summit Sponsor: Join an on-site summit of several companies with your brand.

Write to if you would like to host an event.

Become a sponsor

You can become a permanent sponsor to shape your brand while demonstrating a leading role in the Finance Yard ecosystem.

Message Partner: Broadcast your marketing message to the Finance Yard audience.

Premium Partner: Constantly engage with the Finance Yard audience and be present with your brand on the Finance Yard website and using social media channels. Includes 1 x the Message Partner features.

Diamond Partner: The same like Premium Partner, but including access to all contacts from the community portal as well as strategically shaping the development of the upcoming web app to support your own services. Includes 2 x the Message Partner features.

Write to if you would like to become a partner.

Official Finance Yard partners:

Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
WM InnoLab by WM Datenservice
CoreLedger blockchain technology - Core Ledger
Finance Yard